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Envirohaven home packages facilitate living with minimal public power or without the need to access public utilities, “off-grid”. Our patented design minimizes the size of any heating and cooling system used by maximizing energy efficiency. The homes are cost effective and simple to construct, while at the same time they provide a comfortable and spacious 21st Century lifestyle.


Our standard and fully adaptable 1550 sf floor plan can be customized for up to 4 bedrooms and up to 3 bathrooms. Options range from an open lodge with commercial kitchen, to a  4 bedroom-  3 bath dormitory with kitchenette accommodating up to 8 individuals.


The Haven homes are designed for high R-values in walls and roof. They have been engineered to withstand the harshest environmental conditions; gale force winds, earthquakes as well as heavy snow load, making them ideal for remote locations.


Havens will be customized to use a combination of any form of renewable, non-renewable or combinations of energy generating equipment best suited for the specific location of every home.

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